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rje_scoring V0.1.0

Scoring and Ranking Methods for RJE Python Modules

Module: rje_scoring
Description: Scoring and Ranking Methods for RJE Python Modules
Version: 0.1.0
Last Edit: 21/08/20

Copyright © 2007 Richard J. Edwards - See source code for GNU License Notice

Imported modules: rje

See SLiMSuite Blog for further documentation. See rje for general commands.


This module contains methods only for ranking, filtering and generating new scores from python dictionaries. At its conception, this is for unifying and clarifying the new scoring and filtering options used by PRESTO & SLiMPickings, though it is conceived that the methods will also be suitable for use in other/future programs.

The general format of expected data is a list of column headers, on which data may be filtered/ranked etc. or combined to make new scores, and a dictionary containing the data for a given entry. The keys for the dictionary should match the headers in a *case-insensitive* fashion. (The keys and headers will not be changed but will match without using case, so do not have two case-sensitive variables, such as "A" and "a" unless they have the same values.) !NB! For some methods, the case should have been matched.

Methods in this module will either return the input dictionary or list with additional elements (if calculating new scores) or take a list of data dictionaries and return a ranked or filtered list.

Methods in this module:

  • setupStatFilter(callobj,statlist,filterlist) = Makes StatFilter dictionary from statlist and filterlist
  • statFilter(callobj,data,statfilter) = Filters data dictionary according to statfilter dictionary.
  • setupCustomScores(callobj,statlist,scorelist,scoredict) = Checks and returns Custom Scores and related lists


This module is not for standalone running and has no commandline options (including 'help'). All options are handled
by the parent modules.

History Module Version History

    # 0.0 - Initial Compilation.
    # 1.10.0 - Initial Python3 code conversion.

© 2015 RJ Edwards. Contact: