SLiMSuite REST Server |
SLiMSuite REST service News and Updates
Please visit http://slimsuite.blogspot.com.au for additional (and older) news/updates.
- Server code updated to SLiMSuite
v1.8.1 development code.
- New faster server should be coming soon. Hopefully with some bug fixes with walltimes etc.
- There have been some issue with jobs getting stuck in queues or hanging indefinitely after hitting the walltime. Fixes will be found once time allows. Please contact me if you get confused by job behaviour!
- Default disorder predictor updated to IUPred2 (short mode)
- Server code synced with SLiMSuite
v1.8.0 pre-release on GitHub.
- NOTE: Server data is currently undergoing a major overhaul and refresh for a SLiMSuite protocols paper. Watch this space, and look out for changes in data.
- Server code synced with SLiMSuite release
v1.4.0 (2018-07-02) on GitHub.
- Bettong genome added to the WebApollo search server. This is password protected - please get in touch if you want access.
- There was an issue with Uniprot retrieval after a change in behaviour by the Uniprot website. I am not sure when this occurred but it should now be fixed with
v3.25.0 of rje_uniprot .
The bug caused only the first entry of a list to be downloaded, resulting in multiple download failures. (Regrettably not in a fashion that triggered the alternative one-by-one download protocol. This can now be activated independently with onebyone=T .)
Further news
Please visit http://slimsuite.blogspot.com.au for additional (and older) news/updates.
- Added password protection for some input aliases for embargoed data access.
- Added developmental BLAST server.
- Server code updated to latest SLiMSuite code. (This is newer than the current package but can be accessed via svn download of the development code.) The main servers have been tested but please report any unusual behaviour!
- New QSLiMFinder and SLiMProb servers have been added with simple input forms. This is still in development and needs additional documentation: please get in touch if you have any questions.
- Server code updated to latest SLiMSuite code. (This is newer than the current package but can be accessed via svn download of the development code.) The main servers have been tested but please report any unusual behaviour!
- A new SLiMFinder server has been added with a simple input form. This is still in development and needs additional documentation: please get in touch if you have any questions.
- A FAQ page has been added: please get in touch if you have any questions!
- Server code updated to latest SLiMSuite code. (This is newer than the current package but can be accessed via svn download of the development code.) The main servers have been tested but please report any unusual behaviour!
- SLiMProb now merges the results from "split" motifs in the main output. To revert this behaviour to the previous version, set
mergesplits=F .
- The Uniprot server now outputs a
map table that maps the entered list of IDs and accession numbers onto the primary accession numbers downloaded. This table is also output for SLiMProb and (Q)SLiMFinder.
- New SMRTSCAPE server to replace old PacBio server.
- Server code updated to latest SLiMSuite code. (This is newer than the current package but can be accessed via svn download of the development code.) The main servers have been tested but please report any unusual behaviour!
- Added server queue limits. (Max 50 per IP address, max 500 total.) There is also a limit to how many jobs will be run in parallel for a given IP address. This currently corresponds to 3 "big" jobs (e.g. SLiMFinder) but many more small job.
- Added new REVERT genome aliases. Updated REVERT output.
- Fixed SMRTScape output bug following
coverage=F default setting switch.
- Updated SLiMFinder documentation and SLiMSuite warnings.
- Temporary glitch in SLiMProb, SLiMFinder, QSLiMFinder and SLiMMaker servers has been fixed.
- Updated
Tools page with more REST services.
- Changed the
disorder server to iuscore to avoid future conflicts with the
rje_disorder module.
- Made some minor modifications to SLiMSuite command processing and defaults for compatibility with the SLiMScape Cytoscape App.
- Added
XRef server for database cross-referencing.
- Added PPI datasets for
seqin and uniprot aliases.
- Modified
(Q)SLiMFinder defaults for server to cloudfix=T .
- Added
PacBio and SLiMMaker server forms.
- Fixed issues with
SLiMFinder and QSLiMFinder servers.
- Updated
SLiMProb , SLiMFinder and QSLiMFinder servers for use with SLiMScape Cytoscape App.
- Updated alias files for new (April 2015) data
- Quest For Orthologues Eukaryota
- Ensembl
*.dna.toplevel.fa genome files
- ELM motif database and individual ELM motifs
- Added GOPHER to the REST servers.
- Updated alias files.
- Alias file access no longer needs the
alias: prefix to the option value, e.g. &seqin=alias:LIG_PCNA_PIPBox_1 .
Adding the prefix will enforce use as an alias and return an error if the alias is not found.
- Added documentation for
alias settings, including return of contents, e.g. alias&seqin=LIG_PCNA_PIPBox_1 .
- Maximum file sizes (10MB) have been implemented for server call returns. Please contact the administrator is this is too limiting.
- IP address tracking has been implemented. Each day, queues will preferentially run jobs for new users.
- SLiMFinder
csv output renamed main .
- Sequences can now be given directly to options such as
seqin=FILE by using a list in the form: >name1:sequence1,>name2:sequence2,...>nameN,sequenceN . Note that the> characters preceding the first name is required for correct recognition. Names can contain addtional: characters but whitespace is not recommended and may not work.
- Alias file access now needs the
alias: prefix to the option value, e.g. &seqin=alias:LIG_PCNA_PIPBox_1 .
- New documentation options are now available. Program documentation can be accessed using
docs&page=prog or prog&rest=docs .
SLiMMaker V1.3.0 : SLiMMaker now has a &varlength=T/F option [default=True ], which will recognise indels in the provided peptides. If varlength=T , any gapped positions will be assessed based on the ungapped peptides at that position and a variable length inserted. This variable-length position may be a wildcard or it may be a defined position if there is sufficient signal in the peptides with amino acids at that position. If varlength=F then gapped positions will be ignored (treated as Xs) and variable length wildcards are not returned.
SLiMSuite REST services are currently under development. Please report any bugs or erratic behaviour.
Known Issues
- There have been some issue with jobs getting stuck in queues or hanging indefinitely after hitting the walltime. Fixes will be found once time allows. Please contact me if you get confused by job behaviour!
- Failing to provide required input options for servers is not currently robustly handled and may result in errors.
- Server errors may not be consistently returned in a fashion that is easy for an API to recognise.
- PeptCluster currently breaks if 2+ identical peptides are included in input.
- New faster server should be coming soon. Hopefully with some bug fixes with walltimes etc.
- Test
PINGU server for extracted PPI data.
Please contact richard.edwards@unsw.edu.au for update requests.
© 2015 RJ Edwards. Contact: richard.edwards@unsw.edu.au.