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Please note that command documentation sometimes lags behind the latest module versions. Click on module names to check current documentation.

cmd: resdir

Option Type: [?]{docs:?} PATH

Modules: bob extatic humsf09 orcfinder rje_paml slimfrap slimjim qslimfinder_V1.9 slimfinder_V4.9 slimprob_V1.4 rje_slimcore haqesac pingu_V3 pingu_V4 qslimfinder slimfarmer slimfinder slimmutant slimprob slimsearch

bob resdir=PATH Path to SLiMFinder results directory
extatic resdir=PATH Path for results output ./
haqesac resdir=PATH Output directory for d>0 outputs ./HAQESAC/
humsf09 resdir=PATH Path to extra SLiMFinder results files (*.occ.csv)
orcfinder resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMFinder/
pingu_V3 resdir=PATH Redirect output files to specified directory ./
pingu_V4 resdir=PATH Redirect output files/directories to specified directory ./
qslimfinder resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) QSLiMFinder/
qslimfinder_V1.9 resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) QSLiMFinder/
rje_paml resdir=PATH Directory for results output 'PAML/'
rje_slimcore resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMFinder/
slimfarmer [resdir=?]{docs:?} ?
slimfinder resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMFinder/
slimfinder_V4.9 resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMFinder/
slimfrap resdir=PATH Path to extra SLiMFinder results files (*.occ.csv)
slimjim resdir=PATH Path to extra SLiMFinder results
slimmutant resdir=PATH Location of output files. SLiMProb resdir should be in slimini SLiMMutant/ (and SLiMProb/)
slimprob resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMProb/
slimprob_V1.4 resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMProb/
slimsearch resdir=PATH Redirect individual output files to specified directory (and look for intermediates) SLiMSearch/

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