rje_misc V0.59.2Miscellenous script storage module
Copyright © 2007 Richard J. Edwards - See source code for GNU License Notice Imported modules:
See SLiMSuite Blog for further documentation. See FunctionThis module is for "one-off" scripts for odd-jobs that often need to be run multiple times and then forgotten forever: - aicpaper = Conversion of AIC PATIS tables for Jan 2014 AIC paper. - crisp = Analysis of Crisp et al paper data - testing = SWC boot camp testing - holger = reformat fasta - yunan = combine and normalised Yunan data - sageshape = reshape the SuperSAGE data for ANOVA and FDR analysis - 3did = generate 3DID benchmarking datasets - sfstick = Stick together SF files - dtfas = Reformat DT_Sequence data - laavanya = Prepares PTPRD PPI datasets for SLiMFinder - elm_presto_qsub = Makes a list of python command for qsub job - elm_presto_compile = Compiles all the PRESTO results from ELM conservation analyses into a single file - ppi_go_datafarm = Copies PPI and GO datasets into the current MotifAln folder - minimotif = Reformats mini_motif.txt into standard motif RegExps - wag = reconstruct a PAM1 matrix from the Goldman WAG matrix - hprd_elm_copy = Copies HPRD ELM datasets for SLiMDisc analysis - hprd_elm_comp = Extracts rows of *.compare.tdt files where the HPRD dataset matches its ELM - neduvamotif = Reformats raw motif file from Neduva & Russell work - disordertest = Tests the two disorder prediction servers and compares - ygob = Makes orthologue alignments from YGOB files - ygob2 = Makes orthologue alignments from YGOB files following the original ygob! - ensloci = Counts EnsEMBL loci - go_cc = Extracts a list of GO cellular component IDs into a file corresponding to SLiMDisc input - elm_gcut = Cuts down the ELM GABLAM results as they *should* have been output! - ensgo = Makes GO Datasets from EnsEMBL Loci data and BioMart download (& ensgo2) - elmdup = Identifies "duplicate" proteins from different species using orthaln.fas files - elmaln = Sorts ELM alignments - elmFT = Makes a Table of SwissProt Annotations from mapping.tdt and UniProt - termX = Reformats all fasta files in the directory to be UC for X aa at each end of the sequence and LC for rest - 143ppi = Make a table of 14-3-3 interacting proteins from HPRD - allslim = runs slimfinder on all datasets (*.dat & *.fas) in directory - slimtest = Makes a bunch of random datasets to run SLiMFinder on - slimtestsum = Makes a summary table of random datasets run with SLiMFinder - sfvst = SLiMBuild vs. TEIRESIAS time test w/o ambiguity - ensdat = EnsDat cleanup following rje_ensembl boo-boo - slimcons = Custom assembly of EnsDatHuman SLiMFinder runs and CompariMotif results for data analysis in R - locustdb = Temp analysis of Locust EST database - phomo = PhosphoMotif Reformatter - flyseq = Extract sequences from Flybase chado_xml - arath2go = Convert EMBL_ARATH sequence to GO using Arabidopsis download - intenrich = Reformat enriched integrin proteomics results for Pingu - sftargz = TarGZ cleanup of SLiMFinder results - taxadbsum = E hux Taxa DB summary cleanup - bencog = Makes Ben COG links - humsf09 = Human SF09 cleanup - biol3050 = BIOL3050 clone vs ENST cDNA matchup - jrjspf = Reformatting an SPF file for Joe Jenkins - disjson = Parsing of disorder JSON file - pop00freq - snakencbi = Reformatting the fasta and GFF files for snake genomes - starlingncbi = Reformatting the fasta and GFF files for starling genome Commandline
History Module Version History# 0.1 - Initial Compilation with elm_presto_compile job. # 0.2 - Added ppi_go_datafarm job # 0.3 - minimotif = Reformats mini_motif.txt into standard motif RegExps # 0.4 - Added elm_presto_qsub # 0.5 - wag = reconstruct a PAM1 matrix from the Goldman WAG matrix # 0.6 - hprd_elm_copy = Copies HPRD ELM datasets for SLiMDisc analysis # 0.7 - hprd_elm_comp = Extracts rows of *.compare.tdt files where the HPRD dataset matches its ELM # 0.8 - neduvamotif = Reformats raw motif file from Neduva & Russell work # 0.9 - disordertest = Tests the two disorder prediction servers and compares # 0.10 - ygob = Makes orthologue alignments from YGOB files # 0.11 - ensloci = Counts EnsEMBL loci # 0.12 - go_cc = Extracts a list of GO cellular component IDs into a file corresponding to SLiMDisc input # 0.13 - elm_gcut = Cuts down the ELM GABLAM results as they *should* have been output! # 0.14 - ensgo = Makes GO Datasets from EnsEMBL Loci data and BioMart download # 0.15 - elmdup = Identifies "duplicate" proteins from different species using orthaln.fas files # 0.16 - elmaln = Sorts ELM alignments # 0.17 - elmFT = Makes a Table of SwissProt Annotations from mapping.tdt and UniProt # 0.18 - termX = Reformats all fasta files in the directory to be UC for X aa at each end of the sequence and LC for rest # 0.19 - allslim = runs slimfinder on all datasets (*.dat & *.fas) in directory # 0.20 - slimtest = Makes a bunch of random datasets to run SLiMFinder on # 0.21 - slimtestsum = Makes a summary table of random datasets run with SLiMFinder # 0.22 - sfvst = SLiMBuild vs. TEIRESIAS time test w/o ambiguity # 0.23 - mailer = E-Mail test # 0.24 - ensdat = EnsDat cleanup following rje_ensembl boo-boo # 0.25 - slimcons = Custom assembly of EnsDatHuman SLiMFinder runs and CompariMotif results for data analysis in R # 0.26 - locustdb = Temp analysis of Locust EST database # 0.27 - phomo = PhosphoMotif Finder reformatting # 0.28 - flyseq = Extract sequences from Flybase chado_xml # 0.29 - arath2go = Convert EMBL_ARATH sequence to GO using Arabidopsis download # 0.30 - intenrich = Reformat enriched integrin proteomics results for Pingu # 0.31 - laavanya = Prepares PTPRD PPI datasets for SLiMFinder # 0.32 - sftargz = TarGZ cleanup of SLiMFinder results # 0.33 - taxadbsum = E hux Taxa DB summary cleanup # 0.34 - bencog = Makes Ben COG links # 0.35 - sftidy = SLiMFinder grand results tidy up. # 0.36 - prpsi = Make SI table for PRP project # 0.37 - humsf09 = Human SF09 cleanup # 0.38 - biol3050 = BIOL3050 clone vs ENST cDNA matchup # 0.39 - biol2018 = BIOL2018 domain identification. # 0.40 - dtfas = Reformat DT_Sequence data # 0.41 - sfstick = Stick together SF files # 0.42 - 3did = generate 3DID benchmarking datasets # 0.43 - sageshape = reshape the SuperSAGE data for ANOVA and FDR analysis # 0.44 - yunan = combine and normalised Yunan data # 0.45 - kroc = Kieren ROC analysis # 0.46 - holger = reformat fasta # 0.47 - testing = SWC boot camp misc testing code # 0.48 - aicpaper = Conversion of AIC PATIS tables for Jan 2014 AIC paper. # 0.49.0 - jrjspf = Reformatting an SPF file for Joe Jenkins # 0.50.0 - crisp = Analysis of Crisp et al paper data # 0.51.0 - dcfmsi = Generation of HTML table code for Manefield DCMF data # 0.52.0 - mbgsnp = Compilation of MBG SNP Tables # 0.53.0 - mbgSNPFreq = Generation of SNP Frequency Changes from SNP Table. # 0.54.0 - disjson = Parsing of disorder JSON file # 0.55.0 - diphap = Parsing of pseudodiploid fasta file and annotating with diploid or haploid status # 0.56.0 - ancNorm = Conversion of raw anchor scores to normalised scores. # 0.57.0 - occjoin = Table join for occbench complementary analysis. # 0.58.0 - pop00freq = Regenerate SNP frequencies. Modified mbgSNPFreq to handle pop00freq output. # 0.59.0 - snakencbi = Reformatting the fasta and GFF files for snake genomes + starlingncbi # 0.59.1 - Updated DCMF SI # 0.59.2 - Updated DCMF SI -> dcmfSIJGINCBI() © 2015 RJ Edwards. Contact: richard.edwards@unsw.edu.au. |