rje_blast V1.16.0BLAST Control Module
Copyright © 2005 Richard J. Edwards - See source code for GNU License Notice Imported modules:
See SLiMSuite Blog for further documentation. See FunctionPerforms BLAST searches and loads results into objects. Peforms GABLAM conversion of local alignments into global
alignment statistics. Remember to set ObjectsBLASTRun = Full BLAST run Commandline
History Module Version History# 0.0 - Initial Working Compilation. # 0.1 - No Out Object in Objects # 1.0 - Corrected to work with blastn (and blastp) # 1.1 - Added special calling for Cerberus # 1.2 - Added GABLAM and GABLAMO to BlastHit # 1.3 - Added GABLAM calculation upon reading BLAST results and clearing Alignment sequences to save memory # 1.4 - Tidied up the module with improved logging and progress reporting. Added dbCleanup. # 1.5 - Added checking for multiple hits with same name and modified BLAST_Run.hitToSeq() # 1.6 - Added nucleotide vs protein searches to GABLAM # 1.7 - Added nucleotide vs nucleotide searches to GABLAM # 1.8 - Added local alignment summary output to ReadBLAST() # 1.9 - Added BLAST -C # 1.10- Added BLAST -g # 1.11- Added gablamfrag=X : Length of gaps between mapped residue for fragmenting local hits [100] # 1.12- Altered checkDB and cleanupDB to spot index files split over multiple files (*.00.p* etc.) # 1.13- Added localcut=X : Cut-off length for local alignments contributing to global GABLAM stats) [0] # 1.14- Added blast.checkProg(qtype,stype) to check whether blastp setting matches sequence formats. # 1.15- Added OldBLAST/Legacy option to Object for compatibility with rje_blast_V2. (Always True!) # 1.16.0 - Initial Python3 code conversion. rje_blast REST Output formatsThe standard REST call is in the form:blast . By default, resultswill be parsed into summary tables. If qassemblefas=T , the summary tables will be replaced with alignments ofeach query with its hits. Each local alignment is a separate sequence in the alignment unless qconsensus=X isused to convert QAssemble alignments to consensus sequences. * qconsensus=Hit converts QAssemble alignments to consensus sequences by Hit sequence.* qconsensus=Full converts all QAssemble alignments to a single consensus sequence.When qconsensus=X is used, the most abundant amino acid or nucleotide at each position is used. In the case ofa tie, the query sequence is used if it's one of the options, else the highest ranked one is used. Run with &rest=docs for program documentation and more options. A plain text version is accessed with &rest=help .&rest=OUTFMT can be used to retrieve individual parts of the output, matching the tabs in the default( &rest=format ) output. Individual OUTFMT elements can also be parsed from the full (&rest=full ) server output,which is formatted as follows: ###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~### # OUTFMT: ... contents for OUTFMT section ... After running, click on the blastres tab to see overall BLAST search results. The following tables and sequencefile will usually also be output: Available REST Outputsblastres = Main BLAST results output filesearch = Delimited summary of each search [tab]hit = Delimited summary of all hit [tab]local = Delimited table of all local BLAST alignments [tab]blasti = BLAST search input (queries) [fas]blastd = BLAST search database [fas]qassembly = Assembled QAssembly hits as aligned fasta for first query [fas]NOTE: If run in mode, the search , hit and local tables will not be output. The firstquery will have QAssembly output in the qassembly tab. All queries will have also their own tab with theirqassembly alignment, named after their accession numbers. © 2015 RJ Edwards. Contact: richard.edwards@unsw.edu.au. |