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Option Type: minmax

Argument: compmask indexlen labels qregion region rq seqlen snptabmap xmers

Modules: rje_pacbio scap rje_mysql rje_seqgen qslimfinder_V1.9 slimfinder_V4.9 slimprob_V1.4 rje_markov rje_samtools rje_seqlist rje_slimcore haqesac qslimfinder slimfinder slimprob slimsearch smrtscape_V1 smrtscape

haqesac qregion=X,Y Concentrate on the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
qslimfinder compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
qslimfinder qregion=X,Y Mask all but the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
qslimfinder_V1.9 compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
qslimfinder_V1.9 qregion=X,Y Mask all but the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
rje_markov [xmers=X[,Y]]{cmd:xmers} Deal with Xmers [upto Ymers] 1
rje_mysql indexlen=X,Y Will index all fields with non-numerics between X and Y letters by default 4,30
rje_pacbio rq=X,Y Minimum (X) and maximum (Y) values for read quality cutoffs 0.8,0.9
rje_samtools labels=X,Y Optional labels for Control and Treatment fields in output (other file basename used)
rje_samtools snptabmap=X,Y Optional SNPTable fields to replace for mapping onto FDR Locus,Pos fields (Locus,Pos)
rje_seqgen seqlen=X,Y Range of lengths for random sequences 10
rje_seqlist region=X,Y Alignment/Query region to use for reformat=peptides/(q)region reformatting of fasta alignment (1-L) 1,-1
rje_slimcore compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
rje_slimcore qregion=X,Y Mask all but the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
scap [xmers=X[,Y]]{cmd:xmers} Deal with Xmers [upto Ymers] 1
slimfinder compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
slimfinder qregion=X,Y Mask all but the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
slimfinder_V4.9 compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
slimfinder_V4.9 qregion=X,Y Mask all but the region of the query from (and including) residue X to residue Y 0,-1
slimprob compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) None
slimprob_V1.4 compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
slimsearch compmask=X,Y Mask low complexity regions (same AA in X+ of Y consecutive aas) 5,8
smrtscape rq=X,Y Minimum (X) and maximum (Y) values for read quality cutoffs 0.8,0.9
smrtscape_V1 rq=X,Y Minimum (X) and maximum (Y) values for read quality cutoffs 0.8,0.9

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